Pre-Mature Born, Penyebab dan Tanda Kelahirannya


Going home after giving birth betul-betul melegakan. Being a parents of pre-mature baby which the baby admitted to a neonatal unit/NICU is a frightening experience. This situation is not expected or prepared for. Feel helpless when seeing my son for the first time in neonatal unit/NICU with surrounded like that with unfamiliar equipment to my son get the very best careT_T. For the moment i'm not sure how to cope the situation, early delivery come as a huge shock for me and husband. Terlalu banyak persoalan di fikiran, kenapa boleh berlaku kelahiran pra-matang. After get the best rest, i do some effort to know the reason spontaneous pre-term birth happen, find the info as much as i can do i expect, it's of the common reason infection in uterus and vagina can lead to pre-term birth which the bacteria contains in urine. Yes seminggu sebelum leaking, i've publish about the infection yang dialami, tak sangka itu salah satu petandanya-_-'. Ditambah pula dalam Pa&Ma keluaran Jun 2012 mengingatkan Braxton Hicks yang kerap berlaku sebelum umur kandungan mencapai 37minggu salah satu petunjuk akan kelahiran pra-matang. Exactly the info reminds me, dan ceritakan sedikit sebanyak kat husband so i've tell the doctors about mine soft contractions, then the answer "it's common"..begitu jugak bila tanya nurse KD dan KK, almost jawapannya sama, ia adalah perkara biasa. walaupun mendapat jawapan sebegitu, hati tetap juga risau..dan sememangnya risau itu bertempat..yup, my pregnancy not like others. Others reasons, my womb maybe weak, i'm not sure, i hope not...but i've soft bleeding at 16week pregnancy in three days, huhu, tambah pula salah satu hobi mop lantai rumah tak ditinggalkan, twice in a weeks tu memang ada aktiviti tu sebab tak nak ajar badan malas sangat, tak sangka aktiviti fizikal sebegitu membebankan ibu mengandung-_-"..dan yang paling besar tandanya air ketuban dah turun awal-awal sebelum sempat 37minggu which contribute to a pre-mature baby..others, pre-eclampsia and multiple birth can make pre-mature born happen. 


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